if you want your name translated to ninja name come herez! first take the last letter of your first name and that represents your first name. then take the first letter of your last name and thats your ninja name!
(first name) a=crouching. b=coveting. c=fiery. d=problematic. e=rocky. f=parasitic. g= native. h=hell. i=intellegent. j=joking. k=kingly. L=loathsome. M=mocking. N=solo. O=adventurous. P=poisionous. q=quarrelling. R=reaping S=strong. t=tough. U=freedom. v=flying w=warlike. x=adventurous. y=soft. z=rough.
(last name) a=albatross b=boar. c=crocodile. d=demon. e=eagle. f=fish g=wasp h=horse i=butterfly j=tick k=bat l=lion. m=monkey. n= o=owl. p=parasite. q=quail. r=rodent s=snake. t=tiger. u=bull v=frog w=wolve x=skunk y=yak z=zebra
my name is reaping snake
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